the art of living with your whole self

breathe, wonder, love, heal

Here to walk with you...

If you are a dreamer, a questioner, or a seeker who does not want to walk the spiritual path alone then you have come to the right place. Welcome. I am a poet, breathwork teacher, spiritual director/companion, and priest. With clients I explore transformation for both the individual soul and our communities in the service of ourselves, our fellow creatures, and this wondrous world we all share.

I find the sacred in the everyday beauty of a fallen leaf, our ability to share sorrow and joy, and the stillness that comes when we listen to the wisdom of our bodies.

My favorite thing to do is to listen: to the Divine, the world, and if you choose, to you.

Here you will find all the ways I listen (and how we can work together), plus classes/retreats, and a wealth of writing for your reflection.


I offer Spiritual Direction/Companioning, Breathwork Healing, and Crazy Whole Life Coaching, which are different paths to providing empathy and support for you on your spiritual journey. Explore my coaching page to find out more about working together 1 on 1 or with a group.


I offer a few carefully chosen self paced classes, premade retreats, and other little soul meals from time to time. I hope you find just what you are needing right now, but if you don't send me a message and suggest a course or retreat you'd like to see next!


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A monthly email offering with gentle wisdom for living well with ourselves and the earth. Your information is never sold or shared with others.